My feelings in one poem ♥ #1
When I fall asleep I am thinking about you, about me, about us. I have you always in my dreams, because this is the only place where I could be with you. I have you always in my mind and in my heart. I know that you have eyes for her, not for me, because everytime when I look at you, you are staring at her. I hope you will sometimes look at me right this way. You are like angel, but not mine and that is the reason why I am so sad and depressed. I know that you will not be mine Romeo and I will not be your Julia. But after this all I wish you could be happy as I am when I see you on a hallway or when I see you laughing. I know you are too beautiful for people like me. I wish you know this, that you are a reason why I love to going to school and be here every minute in my life that I can. Never Yours * *(prosím kopírovat se zdrojem, má vlastní tvorba)